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CGA Values


The processing of retirement and survivor pension claims are the most important activities of CGA.

Latest values 2020-12-31

Active members
Number of active members 416 874
Average age (years) 53,7

Retired 482 429
Average age (years) 73,6
Average pension – All pensions € 1 341,94

Survivor and other pensions
Pensioners 166 218
Average age (years) 74,8
Average pension – All pensions
- Survivor € 529,59
- Other € 259,62

Last 5 years
New pensions granted 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
New pensions 8 727 12 298 10 609 15 439 16 696
Average pension € 935,64 € 1 178,42 € 1 301,04 € 1 098,85 € 1 328,00

Survivor and other pensions  a)
New pensions 7 999 11 923 7 975 10 096 11 314
Average pension
- Survivor € 568,48 € 571,00 € 598,12 € 594,52 € 616,97
- Other € 215,23 € 180,38 € 222,21 € 175,01 € 435,65

a) Includes 3 396 new Companhia Carris de Ferro de Lisboa, S.A. (CARRIS) staff complementary pensions.