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Residents abroad


Documentary Proof of Life

During the month of April, CGA will send by postal mail, to users residing abroad who have not yet taken the Digital Proof of Life in 2024, a letter with the document (Proof of Life certificate) to be used to carry out the Proof of Life.

That document is intended to be completed and signed by the pensioner in person at an embassy, Portuguese consulate or local public entity (social security, city council or police authority) and must be certified by one of these entities.

The original document, duly certified, must be returned by postal mail to CGA to the address:

Caixa Geral de Aposentações
Apartado 1194
1054-001 Lisboa

with the necessary notice to guarantee that it is received by CGA no later than July 31, 2024.

If CGA does not receive the original Proof of Life certificate by July 31, the payment of the pension will be suspended from September 2024, suspension that will only be lifted from the month following the month in which the document is received.

For security reasons, Caixa Geral de Aposentações does not accept other types of certificates for carrying out the Documentary Proof of Life, nor does it consider copies, namely scanned images sent by email.

Double Taxation Agreements (DTA)